About Us

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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

We're in Ghana?

At long last the day has come when Lizziey and I embark on the journey of a lifetime, approximately 5838 miles away from our friends and family, to Ghana. We leave at 8pm from Chicago to London and then (after a 5 hour stop) to Accra, Ghana. I am not particularly looking forward to the actual flight, but the end destination outweighs the discomfort.

So you know where Ghana is, but where is Accra you ask? Well first let me explain that Ghana is divided into 10 administrative regions, which are then subdivided into 170 districts. The regions (and respective capitals) are from top to bottom, and left to right: Upper West (Wa)Upper East (Bolgatanga)Northern (Tamale), Brong-Ahafo (Sunyani)Volta (Ho)Ashanti (Kumasai), Western (Sekondi-Takoradi), Central (Cape Coast)Eastern (Koforidua), and Greater Accra (Accra). If your head is spinning from all those names, please see the map below. :p

Although we arrive at Accra, we will actually be staying in Kasoa, which is on the Central region of Ghana, but very near the border of the Greater Accra region. As we get to visit some of these other regions we will write more about what we find there. 

So our bags are mostly packed, and the realization that "this is really happening" has long kicked in! Lizziey and I boast at least 6 pieces of luggage, most all of them filled with school supplies. How we will  manage to carry them all I don't quite know yet, but we will figure it out. I would like to thank all of those who have donated school supplies and other materials to Lizziey and me, and to those who have put us in their prayers. I know that we would not have been able to acquire all the things we now have on our own, and that the kids at the school will really appreciate them. So thank you again! :D

As far as contacting us during our journey, we know that we have internet access (Yayy!). This blog of course will be updated an a weekly basis (if the light doesn't go out), and it is a great way to keep tabs on us (please also remember to leave comments). Also our facebook, skype/messenger and e-mails will work. This will be our postal address in Kasoa:
 P.O.Box KS437, Kasoa, Central Region, Ghana, West Africa.
*Note: If you plan on sending "goods" make sure they weigh less than 2lbs, otherwise they would need to be screened and we will probably never receive them. Letters and postcards will be fine, and most welcome :) 

Well it's getting late, and I have a long day ahead! 
Good Night, Good-Bye, and God Bless,
Jamie <3


  1. Gotta tell us about the mode of tranportation and how you carried thos 6 pieces of luggage and their faces and reactions when they see them!!! :)

  2. Mi amor lloro de alegría al ver realidad lo que siempre supe k pasaría contigo, eres otra cosa, te amo mucho y espero en Dios poder ir para Africa esta en mi corazón, deja ver si consigó la manera de reunir los $
    Ahhh y ya tengo tu regalito en mi manos Woot, Woot!!!
