About Us

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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Summer of New Things...

Wow! It has been a while since my last post, but since Lizziey now has 3 in a row, I figured it was time to get some "Jamie" in here!

A short update as to what I have been up to in the past couple of months:
1. Graduated from Saint Mary's College with a B.A. in Psychology (end of May, "Yayy I survived college!" :D )
2. Backpacking tour of Europe (Spain,France,Netherlands,Germany,Czech republic)for a month (June, "It was awesome!" )
3. Strengthened my relationship with God and church family; Applied and received visa for Ghana and took all necessary shots (Yellow Fever,Polio booster, Tetanus, Typhoid) and medicine (malaria pills); enjoyed the rest of the summer with friends and family (in Puerto Rico, July-August, "I would say it was the best chunk of my summer!!!" :D )

*For more specific information about my summer, just contact me!

Thoughts on the future:
Whenever I tell people my plans for the next year, the words "life-changing" are inevitably thrown in. Besides usual question of "what for" and "why", people also add "do you speak the language?" since by this point they are aware that I will be a teacher for elementary school children. Hopefully the readers of this blog already know that the language is basically English, in order to avoid the confusion created by many different dialects. The "why" and "what for" is because I truly believe that God has given me this opportunity with a purpose for my life. Therefore it will be a "life-changing" experience, but not because I am going to Africa, but because of what I get to learn while being there. Yes, I am going to give and serve, but I am sure that I will receive even more than I can imagine at this point. Hopefully once I come back in a year I will be able to bring back what I have learned with me and share it with others! :)

Upcoming events:
This Saturday I fly back to Indiana, and I will be reunited with my new and old roommies! This Sunday Lizziey and I will meet with the sisters and the two other girls who were part of the program this past year. I can't wait to hear about their experiences and find out more about the program! August 29th is just around the corner and there is still much to do! Some members of my church have already graciously donated some school supplies, and I plan on buying some more soon. :D

That is all for now :p ,
God Bless


  1. Jay..... Yeay!!! I am very happy that you have already some school supplies for the kids. I am looking forward to see some of those beautiful smiling faces (photos please)... Love you mom

  2. Loved the first lines and A short update as to what I have been up to in the past couple of months. Wow!!! Wujuuuu!!! I know that every word that has been given to you will come to completion! :) Love you!!!

    PS: I always forget the name thingy!!!

  3. jamie!! teamooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<3 & te xtra*o.... Spero qee la estes pasando de maavilla, Mmwaaaaa'

  4. Dang!!! seems like a lot of work and you're enjoying it!!! :D!!! that's great!!! like the pictures!!!! especially the goat one!!! he looks confused!!! i miss you :( !!! i was watching "all about steve" hoy en la manana! was laughing a lot!!! bueno! t dejo! that's great you're doing something that's worth algo!!!

    ttyl :)
