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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Passport, a List, and a Little Love!

Can you believe August 1st is here already?! The countdown is on; Jamie and I will leave the US in 29 days.

A Passport!
After many weeks of gathering paperwork (including Monica sending me some important documents I left at her house!) and finding a post office in Speedway, I sent my visa application in and hoped for the best. I was a little weary of this as the post office worker helping me seemed to not totally understand how to process a visa.  But a few days ago my visa arrive at my front steps! I am so excited to see that slip of paper in my passport making my trip official.

A List
There have been a few looming questions left unanswered, but today one of the former SMC teachers at Our Lady of the Holy Cross School corresponded and gave me a few tips about what Jamie and I should pack for our students.  I know many of you have been wondering about this as well, so I've made a list of items needed here!

Basically, we will need anything we are giving to the kids in batches of 36. For instance, we need 36 boxes of crayons. We will also need 36 pairs of scissors, etc. 

For the students:
24-ct. Crayons
Glue Sticks
Colored Pencils
Pens (blue or black...like the packages of BIC)

The students also enjoy (all in quantities of 36):
Silly Bandz
(pretty much any thing that is small and can be found in quantities of 36)

Little Love:
Crossroads celebrated Love Week a few weeks back! In a nutshell, the entire church spent an entire week committing to serve the community with Christ's love.  But one of my favorite little lady's (she just graduated 2nd grade herself!) found some super cool supplies for Our Lady of the Holy Cross 2nd graders in Ghana!  I am so fond of the phonics workbook and math flashcards that she donated to the students!   That said, Jamie and I will take ANY school supplies you'd like to donate (including classroom decorations!) So for all of you who donate, either in material items or in prayer for the upcoming year, thank you for making every day an extension of Love Week!

And as I was rummaging (okay, okay, stalking...) a former group of students from Saint Mary's I found two lovely videos of their time in Kasoa. The first is a tour of their room and the local market. The second video is a glimpse of how excited the students were to receive a package from the US!

 Tour of the Room and Market in Kasoa!

Students Excited for Presents!

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