About Us

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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Two posts in one day?! Oh yeah!

Kiva is a microfinance organization focused on lending to small business owners in impoverished areas.  This is how the program goes:

Step 1) You can look through hundreds of businesses on the website. You pick one.
Step 2) You can use PayPal or Credit/Debit to make a $25 donation to that business.
Step 3) Others make a donation until the loan is complete.
Step 4) The business owner begins to pay off the debt (in either 6 months or a year usually)
Step 5) When the loan is repaid you can either ask for a $25 check back or make another loan!

Why am I telling you this now?! Well, If you click HERE you can make a $25 loan for free! Kiva is having a promotion so that you can make a loan without paying anything.  So please follow this link and join today! http://kiva.org/invitedby/elizabeth8141

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