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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thursdays are Jamie's favorite day of the week.

I am not Jamie, and Thursdays are not my favorite. Usually the only things I love about Thursdays are the fact that the house serves Jollof rice with PLENTY PEHPEH and that Friday is the next day.

Today we had fried rice, but I guess that is okay because today was the best Thursday I have had yet.

Yesterday I sat in the library feeling like a total failure. I leaned up against the wall and did what any teacher would do when they felt totally unprepared, inadequate, and unmotivated. I pouted.

Then I wrote a poem.

I've since lost said poem or I would write it here. Like most of my poems, it turned into a prayer. God and I have had several chats in the library. We chatted during my first weeks of teaching when I asked "Why am I here?" and He told me I was here to learn how to live. And then we chatted again when I walked in and there was water everywhere from the previous night's storm and I yelled at him for destroying books, but then He hold me that I was really upset that the water had altered my plans for the day.   But yesterday when I asked him again why I felt totally inadequate and why in the world would He put me here when I cannot possibly do a good enough job He replied, "Because you need to learn to need me. You kind of depend on yourself a lot, and you just aren't that cool."


Instead of grading the ever increasing mountain of paragraphs, poems and paintings my students have created for me, I sat with our plan book and completely rewrote my lesson plans. I was determined and set and ready to go for my crazy Thursday of teaching ICT.  But then the power went off today and that plan, of course, was thrown out the window so instead we wrote a poem about fish.

The moral of this story? When in doubt, write a poem.

It's Thursday and Jamie is asking me about yarrow which reminded me of my first pet rabbits: Yarrow and Dandelion.  It made me nostalgic for the days when I would pluck their wool so my neighbor friend could spin it.  Jamie is sitting on her cute twin bed, identical to mine but still has its sheet on it, shopping for fun stuff and singing the camp version of the song, "Battle Hymn of the Republic."

The students march to the actual song on their way to class somedays. But I don't know the actual words, so I just sing this instead:

"Oh I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when its hot
And I wear my flannel nighty in the winter when its not
And sometimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall
I jump between the sheets with nothin' on at all.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory what's it to ya?!
Balmy Breezes blowin' through ya,
with nothing on at all! "

I like this poem the best.


  1. Now Jamie, why do you like Thursdays? If Lizziey writes poems what art projects keep you sane or absorb your frustrations. Think of you both. Thanks for the blogs and the work and being amazing. Bev

  2. OH Lizziey... you made me laugh... but you can also make me cry.. I love the way you express your thoughts. You definitely have the gift of writing stories and also of listening God's voice. So, keep on listening and sharing with us! As for me, today I will write a poem too :-) LOL love you! Rosa

  3. I love your poem and I think that someday it will be published and you will become famous and I will say that I knew you "when". Do not forget me when you are famous or I will be sad and will no longer send you packages of randomness. :) love ya! Shannon

  4. Lizziey June!

    I knew I loved you since the moment I judged you for being the biggest nerd ever in econ class...that poem/song just proved it. question...these pajamas you wear--are they matching sets?...or do they have feet on them?!

    love you.
    <333 Claire

  5. My name is Rose Salter from Las Vegas Nevada. i found you girls through my facebook page and befriending my Cousin Chimmy Monroy. It is true that we are all connected in some way. I am amazed at your bravery and your dedication to do such a wonderful and noble thing at such a young age. My neighbor has a daughter that just did the very same thing as you girls. She was a school teacher here in Vegas feeling like there was something missing from her life and just two months ago she too left everything and joined an organization that is teaching in South Africa. I told the mother (my neighbor) of you girls and gave her your location.

  6. I am sitting on the airport headed back to new hampshire...and really missing both if you!!! You are doing wonderful work there, I am very proud of you, and i will continue to pray for you and your great adventure!!!!
    Much love, Katherine (sheepskin)

  7. I like your little song/poem! Very funny! I love your sense of humor! I miss seeing your smiling face and smile! I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, I missed sharing it with you! Hope all is well! Love and best wishes! Tammie

  8. I know it's tough the way you are learning your dependence on Him, but I know that I know that both of you will never forget to depend on Him! And you will be example to those of us who are learning I think in a slower and less tougher way. And also to others who have never known Him.
