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Kasoa, Ghana
Back in the day, the old-days of the New Testament, it was honorable to be a disciple. It was so honorable, in fact, that a disciple would leave everything: house, friends, and family to learn to be exactly like the rabbi. During these times a blessing developed: “May you be covered in the dust of your rabbi.” Right out of college, two girls decided to pursue the call to teaching in Africa. They invite you to join their words and thoughts as they shake the dust of their chacos off on their blog, hoping to reveal to you all that God is revealing to them.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

This is the day that the Lord has made…

On Thursday, April 19th:

Today was a good day. No. Today was a great day. Even better, today was an amazing day! This past week has been relatively awesome, but I think today was the best.
It all started with the “Day Camp”, where certain students come for 3 hours in the morning to do super fun and exciting activities with Lizziey and sometimes me. All educational of course, but we don’t need to the kids that.
In the past couple of days we have been getting a maximum of 9 kids (except one day when it was pouring down rain and only five came, which was still cool, but that’s a whole different story :p ), but today we had 12! One kid in particular did not want to come because he believed it would be boring. He was trying to hide in some bushes outside of the classroom, when I saw him and talked him into joining the group. I told him that he should come to class today, since he was there already, but if he did not like it he did not have to return ever again. He bought it! And at the end of the day he told Lizziey that he liked it and that he would be returning tomorrow. Score!
Our days have been following a loose routine of a quick worship and prayer, followed by math-mania, a ten minute break for “fresh air”, and then English. We also have some free-choice stations; these are changed depending on the day, but generally they consist of a combination of the following activities: silent reading, puzzles, math flash cards, writing, drawing and coloring, and a sand box, just because we can. My favorite aspect of the day is that with the small number of students, I can give them all individualized attention (without the usual chaos that ensues in a bigger class). Also, Lizziey and I make an awesome team! :P
After sending the kids home, Lizziey and I stay a couple of extra minutes preparing for the following day and then head back to the house for lunch. Without the need to rush back to school after lunch, I find I can enjoy and relax while conversing and learning about the people around me. Conversation flows easily on a wide diversity of topics, from the heartbreakingly sad to the laugh out loud funny. Afterwards, we head back to our rooms to rest or to do any number of random things. Today I took a short nap while Lizziey played on her guitar (after brushing up on her econ). Then I woke up and when I went to get some food in the kitchen, Comfort reminded me that I had to make peh-peh (to show her how smooth and HOT I made it), so I did. Not to brag or anything, but she was impressed! :D While we cleaned up our dinner, Comfort discovered that Lizziey plays the guitar. So we decided to have an impromptu worship session in our room. Lizziey and Comfort played the guitar, I played the tambourine, and we all did our best attempts at singing some worship songs. 
Then 7:30pm rolled around and it was time for our work out. Sister Lillian and Sister Evelyn joined us as usual, Jamila was around trying to follow the steps, and even Comfort brought the guitar to serenade us while we exercised. Recently we have been working out in the open on the second floor. Since it is night time, the stars are usually visible and quite beautiful (especially when doing crunches!). As we started a chill cooling wind was felt by all, and a few minutes later it started pouring down rain once again. Now anyone else would have called it a day, but not us. We are tough! So we moved to the covered gazebo, because the breeze was nice, but eventually we had to move to the Library and continue the rest of the workout there. While in the middle of our workout, the lights went off. But did we quit? Di we give up and call it a night? No siree, we kept on and pushed on until some short minutes later the lights were back on. Finally, all sweaty and exhausted from our workouts we returned our “weights” (honey jars, spam ham and tomato paste cans) to the kitchen. Lizziey and I made some tea and took a hot shower while it was still raining. It was the perfect end to and awesome day!

God bless,



  1. Me alegra mucho saber que el campamento está siendo de ayuda a los chicos y que todos ustedes en el Convento lo estén disfrutando. Qué bueno que se dió y que los chicos se puedan beneficiar de la atención individual que tanto necesitan. Ya queda poco para el regreso de ustedes y será un momento de alegría y tristeza para todos. Gracias por tu entrega y gracias a Dios por la oportunidad que te brindó de recibir de El "atención individualizada" para ministrar a tu vida. Dando es como se recibe!!! te amo mami

  2. Thank you. I had been wondering how camp was going as well as how this less hectic time was for the two of you. So glad you got some much needed rain. May the next week of camp be as awesome.

  3. So glad your camp is going well! It sounds like a good time and I like to see you guys getting a chance to relax a bit and enjoy yourselves. :)
